Films Info


නැරඹීමට පහත ඇති මෙම පින්තූරය ටච් කරන්න.

නැරඹීමට ඉහත ඇති මෙම පින්තූරය ටච් කරන්න.

Pixar Short Films Collection, Volume 1 is a home video compilation released by Walt Disney Home Entertainment on November 6, 2007, containing 12 of Pixar's short films as well as the 1984 film The Adventures of André & Wally B., which was animated by John Lasseter. It is followed by Pixar Short Films Collection, Volume 2, which was released on November 13, 2012, and by Pixar Short Films Collection, Volume 3, which was released on November 13, 2018.