Zombie Info


නැරඹීමට පහත ඇති මෙම පින්තූරය ටච් කරන්න.

නැරඹීමට ඉහත ඇති මෙම පින්තූරය ටච් කරන්න.


Kang Min-ho (Choi Jin-hyuk) wakes up and discovers that he is a zombie with no memories of his past. He trains himself to walk and talk like a human, covers up his scars with makeup, and assumes the identity of private detective Kim Moo-young while trying to solve the mystery of his past. Gong Sun-ji (Park Ju-hyun) is a former investigative journalist who gets hired as a part-time assistant at Moo-young’s agency. She discovers Moo-young's zombie secret, and the two team up to solve crimes and discover the mystery behind the existence of zombies.